Lady Inerva Darkvein Raid Guide – Normal/Heroic Lady Inerva Darkvein Castle Nathria Boss Guide

Another raid, another guide! Here’s how to defeat the lady boss on normal and heroic difficulty. 

This boss has four jars and each one is tied to a mechanicTank, Soak, Orb and Add jars. As a jar fills over time, it unlocks a bad to worst version of its mechanic at one third and two thirds full respectively. They stack up so at 70% full you will be dealing with both the bad and worst modifiers for that jar’s mechanic. Do not fret for we can drain the jars to keep them in check. Click a spigot to open up the jar and click it again to close it when you are done. While it is draining, it will cause raid damage so it must be drained carefully. As a general rule, do your best to get them under a third full and definitely do not let them fill all the way. 

Lady Inerva can focus anima on a jar to temporarily lock it and charge it up faster. She starts with the tank jar and cycles through them in order- tank, soak, orb, add. You should pre-drain a jar before she locks it and drain it again to get it back down to a reasonable level. 

Lady Inerva Darkvein - NPC - World of Warcraft

Tank jar is the container of desire. The mechanic is a straightforward tank swap debuff, warped desires. Swap on two sacks of those. The bad version adds shared cognition which copies the tank damage to a random player. The worst version will add in change of heart wherein the tank explodes for raid damage when their debuff expires. The explosion has a distance drop off so the tank has to run away to explode by themselves if the tank jar is over two thirds full. 

Soak jar gives a straightforward soak mechanic. Each of the Anima bottled splashes must be soaked by one player each. The bad version adds pools that drop under the soak spots and the worst version makes the soak bounce, so it needs to be soaked twice. 

Third is the Orb jar. The mechanic is a set of orbs that spawn up in melee and does damage while they are up. Three random players will get shared suffering and will be connected by beams. They need to position so that they are threading a beam through each orb at once to make the orbs go away. On normal and heroic, you will only have three orbs so it should be easier. The bad version links the orbs with their own beam and that beam will surely hurt. You must move the boss away from the orbs altogether and the beam crew needs to be careful to thread them from the outside. The worst version makes the bad orb beams rotate like in Diablo. You must thread them from even farther back. 

Last is the Add jar. A random player will get a DoT and once it expires, there is an AOE and a big Tank Boy adds spawns. Tank Boy does not move, he needs to be tanked lest he spews raid damage and he will debuff his target. Whichever tank does not have the boss will take Tank Boy, and the swap you are already doing on two stacks of warped desires will manage the tank boy debuff too. DPS can cleave off the add but make sure to kill it quickly. If more than one debuff goes out, the extra ones will not spawn more Tank Boys but instead raid damage buds. These just sit and cast condemn which is long and does nasty raid damage if it gets off. So just kick and kill these adds in case they show up. In the bad version of Add jar, the target with DoTs will get rooted. Others will need to get away from them for the AOE and the tank will need to go to them to tank Tank Boy. The worse version causes fragments of shadow orbs to fly out in all directions from the targets when the DoTs expire. The raid needs to dodge these which is easier when you are farther away.  

That is the fight for normal and heroic!

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