HOW TO USE YOUR PVP TRINKET (Avoid These Mistakes!) | Shadowlands 9.0 Guide

What if we told you that there are things that you could do to change your gameplay that would instantly improve your rating on every class? Chances are that you already know a few tips and tricks about using your PvP trinket but have you truly mastered it? The truth is, there are many mistakes that players make when it comes to using their PvP trinket and these mistakes can lose you games and tank your rating. But don’t you worry because there are clear solutions to these problems in today’s biggest mistakes players use their PvP trinket and also know how to use and fix them like one of the pros.

There are a lot of mistakes when you’re using your trinket that you may not be always aware of. Here’s a few and some tips and tricks you can do to avoid or correct them.


This can be incredibly risky and costs countless losses. It often wastes the cooldown and gives you less options later in the game. You would want to save your trinket for crucial moments of the game like when the enemy team is popping their offensives and you need to quickly peel or use defensive cooldowns.


Overall, this is just a massively low value trade of cooldowns. Every healer has an 8-second magic dispel. In terms of value, the 8-second cooldown dispel will always out value the 120-second cooldown on trinket. This assumes that the healer can dispel. Of course there are some situations that require you to trinket the spell-able cc. For example, of you’re healer is stuck in CC and you need to quickly shutdown an enemy’s win condition.


Lots of classes have multiple CCs and will try to chain them into long CC chains. A huge mistake players make is trinketing the wrong part of a CC chain. For instance, many Rogue Mage teams will pair abilities like Kidney Shot into Blind or Dragon’s breath into Polymorph to start a long CC chain.

Kidney Shot and Dragon’s Breath both have shorter durations than Blind and Polymorph. So, trinketing the shorter CC will significantly be lower in value. You should always track the instant CC available to the enemy team especially when you’re a healer. You don’t to trinket a shorter CC just to be put in a longer CC.

Some important cooldowns to track include: Blind from Rogue’s, Blinding light from Paladin’s, and Intimidating Shout from Warriors. These abilities are usually paired with shorter CC effects. So it’s often worth it to save your trinket for the longer CC.


You should treat your trinket like a team defensive cooldown. One of the biggest mistakes that players make is that they overlap trinkets with other defensive cooldowns or trinketing at the same time as their partners. in every match up, it’s good to space out your defensive cooldowns prioritizing your biggest cooldowns to deny win conditions.

Some defensives can even be used while stunned. Overlapping trinket with things like Bark Skin, Pain Suppression, Unending Resolve and Divine Protection can be a waste because you can use those abilities while controlled anyway. You should try and keep defensive future options available for future setups. Overlapping cooldowns removes two offensive options at the same time and leaves you vulnerable to future kill setups.


One of the biggest mistakes DPS players make into Rogue Mage is using trinket before smoke bomb. This should be avoided at all costs as smoke bomb is one of the biggest win conditions with Rogue Mage especially when combined with combustion. If you trinket before smoke bomb is used, you give the Rogue Mage a really powerful win condition.

In some cases, you don’t even need to trinket the combustion when the trinket is not used. Unless you’re a Paladin with Bubble available, it is almost always a mistake to trinket before smoke bomb as a DPS. specifically into Rogue Mage.

Now, after discussing those mistakes often made by players, here are the tricks and some general tips you can use to help you change up your gameplay!

Many of those mistakes fall into the same general problem: empty trinketing. Your trinkets should always be used to do something meaningful. You should never use your trinket just because you’re frustrated or to just do your normal DPS or healing rotation.

Instead, you should prioritize your trinket for two key moments for the game: TO SHUT DOWN ENEMY WIN CONDITIONS and TO OPEN UP WIN CONDITIONS FOR YOUR TEAM.

On the defensive end, you need to treat your trinket like you would any other defensive cooldown. In most situations, your trinket should be used to deny kill setups from the enemy team. One of the things that stand out when it comes to pro players is how infrequently they use their trinket. In most top level games, trinkets are saved for as long as possible.

Most high rated games involve spreading out defensives and saving trinkets in order to shut down and enemy kill attempt.

Some successful attempts to shut down an enemy with a trinket are to combine it with CC, interrupts, or other defensive cooldowns in order to deny an enemy setup. There are very specific occasions in which you can use your trinket offensively but they can be a bit risky.

Trinkets are almost always used defensively in top level games but on some occasions it is worth it to trinket aggressively.

One situation is when you can almost guarantee that an enemy target will die if you trinket. This is especially true when you are controlled by an undispellable CC like a stun and the enemy kill target is super low.

You might also use your trinket when you get CC-ed during your major offensive cooldowns. Assuming you will be able to force enemy defensive cooldowns. if you do so, look to get value out of your trinket when you use it offensively by forcing to trade one of their major defensives in return.

If you find yourself in a position where you can trinket offensively, you should only take it if you know that you can either score a kill or force major defensive cooldowns. Otherwise, offensive trinketing can be very risky and leave you vulnerable to future attacks


0:00​ – Intro
0:34​ – Mistakes To Avoid
7:32​ – General Tip
10:17​ – Clip Analysis

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