4 Goldmaking Things to do Before Patch 9.1!! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

Even though there is no release date for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands patch 9.1, there is estimated to within one to three weeks. We will talk about the four gold-making things you have to do before going into this next patch.

  1. Vendor Shuffles Nerfed

For the new patch of shadowlands, the vendor shuffles will be nerfed, especially the old ones. Some of which are the tide spray linen shuffles and legion shuffle with the silk weave shoulder and pants. Also, these items’ vendor price has dropped, and you’ll lose gold if you wait. So make sure you’re vendor shuffling to get rid of that. That is why you have to finish all your shuffling before the release of the new patch so you won’t be affected by this nerf.

  1. Finish Campaign for Flying

As you know, flying will be introduced in the next patch. But to get Flying, you need to complete your covenant campaign and its new part when released during the patch. Even if you won’t need your renown level and reputation, however, to do the campaign, it’s likely to be locked around renown. So the more renown you have, the faster you can finish the campaign chapter. But keep in mind that max level renown is not needed in flying.

  1. Callings will have Gold Rewards

When Shadowlands patch 9.1 starts, your callings will now have a gold reward. From just giving vendor junk that will only sell 500 to 1000 gold when the new patch starts, these callings will sell at around 1000 to 2000 gold. So if you have many alts, you can use this as your advantage to use callings to make gold. 

  1. Stocking up Materials

There will also be a new style of the dungeon and ten boss raid in this upcoming patch. However, it may not be a day one release. That is why this is an excellent time to stock up for those upcoming releases.  

Time Stamps:

0:00​ Intro

0:37​ Vendor Shuffles

2:59​ Campaign + Flying

4:30​ Callings Giving Gold

5:55​ Stocking up Materials

8:20​ Outro

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