How (and When) will we Unlock FLYING in Shadowlands?

There are a lot of questions coming out regarding flying in Shadowlands. How and when they can fly, assumptions on flying, and a lot more. Well, worry no more. Here are informations on how and when you can fly in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. 


According to John Hight, the executive producer of Shadowlands, you won’t be able to fly at Shadowlands’ release to experience the game as it is and finish the quests. But after hearing a lot of feedback from the players, they have decided to unlock flying through Renown. 


Players can start to earn flying at the first major content following the launch of Shadowlands. 

Technical Limitations

One of the limitations of flying in shadowlands is that flying from one zone to another between those zones is literally nothing. When players are in between the zones, you will only see your character flying in a tunnel before reaching the other zone. 

Shadowlands Pathfinder Predictions

  • Explore Shadowlands
  • 100 Shadowlands World Quests
  • Shadowlands Loremaster
  • Covenant Campaign completed
  • Renown Level XX

Video chapters

00:00 – Intro

01:10 – How

03:14 – When

04:07 – Technical Limitations

06:42 – Outro

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