FARM 15,000 GOLD IN 5 MINUTES USING CLASS TRIALS! | Solo Gold Farming Guide | Shadowlands

Planning to break the system and make 15,000 gold in just 5 minutes? Look no further as we got here some tips and tricks to help you!

If you’re going to use the meta, you can only make 4 class trials per hour for a total of 8 per week. So, you cannot just spam them constantly as you will get an error that won’t allow you to create another one. We will only be making class trials on specific races. Why? Those specific races are able to pick up a specific pet from a vendor that is specific for every class, and those three races have the most expensive one that you could get.

Pandaren + Horde = Jade Crane Chick
Goblin = Shore Crawler
Worgen = Glinean Raven

All of these should take each one 5 minutes so it’s not really that time consuming. The first thing you’re going to do once you’re in the start of the game, click the higher stone in your bag then you’ll be teleported instantly to a re-mark. Once you’re there, run out of the building then go the vendor named “Matty”.

Buy a Jade Crane Chick (using Pandaren) for 5 silver that goes for 5 thousand gold when you attempt to sell it. If you got it on class trial, learn it again and cage it on the character on which you’ll be using to sell that pet. Pets are really good for selling when you’re playing on many realms. You can sell them on the server on which they sell the most gold as you can cage it on any character on your account.

Reminder: these steps are applicable to the aforementioned class trials. Just follow same step process and keep in mind of the total classes you can make per hour as spamming this will result of an error prompt that won’t let you make another class trial.



0:00​ Intro
0:10​ Shadowlands Gold Guide
0:32​ TBC Gold Guide
0:52​ Farming Gold on Class Trials
1:44​ Jade Crane Chick
2:45​ Shore Crawler
3:05​ Gilnean Raven
3:53​ Outro

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