Gearing Alts is EASY | Do this if you NEED GEAR FAST | WoW Shadowlands

00:00 – Having troubles gearing up your alts? Here are some easy ways to gear up in preparation for patch 9.0.5. 

  1. Always stay cued up for battlegrounds. – 00:56

This is considered the most important tip. If you are still a new player and are in the 50th to 60th level range, always stay cued up for battlegrounds, especially the epic battlegrounds, to gain your target honor. So that when you become level 60, you’re already getting a significant boost in your player power by purchasing the honor gear equipment. 

  1. Farm your Renown to 22 – 01:57

The reason behind this is in Renown 22. Your covenant quest storyline will be completed, and also in Renown 22, this allows you to upgrade your gear further.

  1. Create your PvP rated battleground group – 03:07

Create a PvP rated battleground and name it “Yolo low cr 136,” meaning everybody can go in there, it has low cr, and finally, the 136 means one tank, three healers, six DPS. Getting an invoice is not required. Keep doing this until your current record is 14.50 because, at 14.50, you can already have your conquest gear to level 207

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